Soil Synergy

Rescaype | A New Technology For Soil Improvement

Rescaype is the result of a newly developed technology for the production and application of micronised polyacrylamide for soil enhancement.

Polyacrylamides have been known for decades to be effective soil enhancers, substantially reducing the need for irrigation and fertilisation.  However, previous products have been difficult to apply.

Proven Benefits Of Rescaype

Rescaype is widely used in agricultural production in North America, where it has been shown to:

  • Increase drought tolerance and reduce irrigation requirements by up to 50%.
  • Provide significant erosion control and minimise run-off of valuable natural minerals in the soil while reducing natural evaporation.
  • Reduce fertiliser requirements up to 60% without affecting crop yield or quality.
  • Minimise the need for pesticides.
  • Increase the rate of germination and the survival rate of young plants.
  • Increase yield and improve quality of crops.

 Rescaype In Australia

Water is a scarce and valuable resource in Australia and the need to reduce reliance upon irrigation is more important than ever before.  The Australian climate is becoming increasingly dry, with 2019 recording the highest temperatures and lowest rainfall on record.  The situation is predicted to worsen with climate change according to the Australian Bureau Of Meteorology (

Rescaype has the potential to transform farming in Australia by reducing the need for irrigation and fertiliser and increasing crop yields.  Rescaype is effective on a variety of soil types common in Australian agricultural regions, including sandy soil and clay.

Product testing is currently being conducted in laboratory and open field trials to establish the increases in crop yield and other benefits that can be expected from the use of Rescaype in Australia.

Contact Soil Synergy for more information

new crop growth. soil synergy can help to improve

Case Studies

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Results and feedback from farmers and crop managers using Rescaype to improve crop yield and reduce resources.

cracked soil in crop. soil synergy can help

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Findings from Australian Universities, Research Groups specialising in soil studies suitable for Australian conditions.

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